LUCIE Positive,the label for positive-impact organizations that respect the planetary boundaries
To support that transition from CSR 1.0 to CSR 2.0, Agence LUCIE is launching a new label in 2023: LUCIE Positive.
LUCIE Positive isn’t just another CSR label. It offers organizations a practical operational process to measure their impact and define a trajectory to follow and the investments required to respect the planetary boundaries.
That means the LUCIE Positive label guarantees that a company has a genuine positive impact.
The first CSR label to take the planetary boundaries into account
The concept of planetary boundaries was developed by researchers at the Stockholm
Resilience Centre (Sweden) in 2009. It is first and foremost a framework intended to
determine the limits beyond which the Earth system is unable to regenerate itself.

Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, based on analysis in Wang-Erlandsson et al 2022
French companies currently consume three planets’ worth of resources… And we only have one. Companies that are committed to a CSR (social responsibility) strategy, even the most committed 1%, consume two planets’ worth. That means there are currently no French companies that have a positive impact, which requires creating net social value while
respecting the planetary boundaries.
Alan Fustec, president of Agence LUCIE and the LUCIE 26000 label, the first French CSR
The climate emergency is a major public concern and we have already exceeded 6 of the 9 planetary boundaries: it is time to act. Agence LUCIE is responding to that challenge with the launch of its new label LUCIE Positive after 18 months of R&D. With this label, which uses a triple accounting system to measure organizations’ economic, social, societal, and environmental impact, companies can define the thresholds below which they need to stay to respect the planetary boundaries while creating social and environmental value.
Rigorous specifications based on 12 indicators
The LUCIE Positive specifications comprise 12 social, societal, and environmental indicators that are linked to the planetary boundaries.
5 social and societal indicators

Health and safety
Threshold : Maximum of 5 workplace accidents that cause one or more days of lost time per million hours worked

Job security
Threshold: Percentage of fixed-term and temporary contracts below the industry average

Unjustified pay gaps
Threshold : 0 pay gap, with a 5% threshold

Professional training
Threshold 1 : Average level of training above the industry average (in % of payroll)
Threshold 2 : at least 5% of the average annual headcount made up of co-op students for
companies with over 250 employees.1 co-op student for companies with under 250

Professional integration
Threshold 1 : at least 6% of the workforce classified as disabled (annual average) under the
French OETH rules
Threshold 2 : Percentages of young and senior employees that exceed their share of the workforce
The 7 environmental indicators are based on the planetary boundaries. They set thresholds which the company must not exceed:

Climate change

Resource consumption

Soil artificialization

Air pollution

Waste management

Water consumption

Water pollution
Defining a sustainable trajectory
With LUCIE Positive, your company will define the thresholds it needs to respect to become a positive-impact company so it can in turn define a trajectory to achieve these ambitious goals.
That is why the LUCIE Positive label includes a year during which the organization undertakes to achieve all of the goals it has set to respect the planetary boundaries while creating value for society.
Why choose the LUCIE Positive label?
To promote your positive impact
It is increasingly difficult for companies to claim to have a positive impact without providing tangible proof to their stakeholders.
The LUCIE Positive label offers them the proof they need.
With LUCIE Positive, opt for CSR 2.0 to transform your company’s activities and make them compatible with the planetary boundaries.
Receiving the label means that your organization is on a sustainable trajectory.
To measure your real impact
To earn the label, organizations are required to set up a triple accounting system that measures their economic, social, and environmental footprint throughout the value chain.
To prepare for future regulations
Sustainable development and CSR reporting regulations are increasingly tough worldwide. With LUCIE Positive, your company will be ahead of the curve.
To improve your employer brand and meet stakeholders’s expectations
The label offers a response to the new expectations of your employees and stakeholders, with the guarantee of a real and serious commitment to a positive impact.
How do you earn the label?
As you become a positive-impact company, the LUCIE Positive label guarantees to your
stakeholders that you have adopted a trajectory to transform your activities and make them
compatible with the planetary boundaries while producing social and environmental value.
LUCIE Positive is a turnkey process. It includes the following steps:
Starting your labeling process
To apply for the LUCIE Positive label, your company must already have committed to a rigorous CSR strategy and earned the LUCIE 26000 label.
Since its creation, LUCIE has been developing resources to make CSR and ISO 26000 accessible to all organizations. That’s why all label applicants must go through training to master those resources, including triple accounting and the knowledge they will need to implement a trajectory compatible with the planetary boundaries.
Agence LUCIE has its own CSR training center. It is a Qualiopi-certified training provider so you can have your training funded by your training operator (OPCO).
Calculating your triple footprint
Our auditor will help you set up a triple accounting system to measure your social and environmental impact, including your entire supplier chain. This is a key step to determine what your organization will need to do in order to respect the planetary boundaries and avoid overrunning its thresholds.
Defining your impact reduction trajectory
Your organization will define its own trajectory to follow, the actions to take, and the Investments required to achieve its goals on the 12 indicators listed in the LUCIE Positive specifications.
At this point, you can estimate the year when your company will be able to stay under all its thresholds and be considered a positive-impact organization.
Implementing your action plan
The auditor will verify the investments and resources implemented and your compliance with the trajectory defined at the beginning of the process. If necessary, they will ask you to modify your trajectory.
Annual action plan implementation audit
Your company will invest and implement the action plan defined to achieve a trajectory towards a positive impact.
Receive the LUCIE Positive label
An independent labeling committee will then analyze the implementation of your action plan and your investments. It will determine whether or not to award the label. This approach ensures that the label is fully independent and credible.
Updates to the triple footprint to ensure that it really has a positive impact
The auditor will update the calculation of your triple footprint and thresholds every two years to ensure that your organization is still in compliance with its thresholds to retain its positive-impact status.